We start with 80 normal crossword clues. A few of them are mysterious. Noting that "Every answer has this length" must resolve to FOUR helps fill the non-mystery clues in:
Clue | Answer |
1. Coke or Pepsi, but not Sprite | COLA |
1. Curved shape | OVAL |
1. Dark purple-brown (not a fruit) | PUCE |
1. Every answer has this length | FOUR |
1. Food starch, for short | CARB |
1. Four clues have this answer | LONG (mystery clue) |
1. Four clues have this answer too | CUBE (mystery clue) |
1. "Hey!" but quiet | PSST |
1. Male youngsters | LADS |
1. Neighbors of appendices | CECA |
1. Of the ear | OTIC |
1. PC key used to undo or paste | CTRL |
1. Respiratory organ | LUNG |
1. Run away | FLEE |
1. This word never overlaps with another occurrence of itself | LONG (mystery clue) |
1. Tortilla with a filling | TACO |
1. U.S. president and chief justice | TAFT |
1. What object you should create, with the following clue | LONG (mystery clue) |
1. What object you should create, with the previous clue | CUBE (mystery clue) |
1. Young sheep | LAMB |
2. 160 letters cover the surface ___ of this puzzle's object | AREA |
2. Indebted individual | OWER |
2. Mindat's 6464, also known as trona | URAO |
2. Moments begotten by puzzles | AHAS |
2. Norse hammer-wielder | THOR |
2. Port Vila currency | VATU |
2. Possessive pronoun | OURS |
2. Thummim counterpart | URIM |
2. Univ. in Hobart and Launceston | UTAS |
2. Vertical beam or stallion | STUD |
3. Dried seaweed | NORI |
3. Dutch Caribbean island | SABA |
3. Fall | DROP |
3. "I'll __ __ touch" (2 wds.) | BEIN |
3. Locs. of higher education | UNIS |
3. Many a Saudi or Yemeni | ARAB |
3. Narcotic leaf | COCA |
3. Second word of "gracias" response | NADA |
3. Skating venue | RINK |
3. Tree covering | BARK |
4. Anglo-Saxon serf | ESNE |
4. Blast with a photon beam | LASE |
4. Descartes or Magritte | RENE |
4. Ecstaticness | GLEE |
4. Guesses for when you'll get there (abbr.) | ETAS |
4. Narrow valley | GLEN |
4. Objective pronoun | THEM |
4. These can fuel fireplaces | LOGS |
4. Type of (obsolete) open court hearing | OYER |
4. Without | SANS |
5. Columbus is its capital | OHIO |
5. Either of two clues numbered #5, in French | ETAT |
5. Greek war god | ARES |
5. Home of the NBA's Jazz | UTAH |
5. Military truant (abbr.) | AWOL |
5. Odd, to a Scot | ORRA |
5. Region bounded by two arcs | LUNE |
5. Sailor's greeting | AHOY |
5. Taken by mouth | ORAL |
5. VanDerveer or Lipinski | TARA |
6. A word containing letters that you should shade every occurrence of | CUBE (mystery clue) |
6. A word containing letters that you should shade every occurrence of | LONG (mystery clue) |
6. Each complete grid is either a whole or a half of this | FACE |
6. Irene of "Fame" fame | CARA |
6. Noble gas | NEON |
6. Nothing more than | MERE |
6. Paralegal and film subject Brockovich | ERIN |
6. Pheasant brood | NIDE |
6. Shine alternative | RAIN |
6. "Take __ __ a sign" (2 wds.) | ITAS |
7. Big boats like Noah's | ARKS |
7. Half-Life bureaucrat | GMAN |
7. Hard cheese | EDAM |
7. Holes | GAPS |
7. Part of a skeleton | BONE |
7. Questions | ASKS |
7. Regal Russian | TSAR |
7. Soft cheese | BRIE |
7. This word never overlaps with another occurrence of itself | CUBE (mystery clue) |
7. "To be", as opposed to "to seem" | ESSE |
The "Across/Down" heading and the wording of a couple clues (e.g. "each complete grid") imply that we need to put these answers into crossword grids somehow.
We can note that there are 20 clues numbered #1 and 10 clues numbered from #2 to #7. If we split these into 10 groups evenly, we have 2 clues numbered #1 and 1 clue each numbered from #2 to #7. These fit the numberings of a diagramless 4x4 mini-crossword grid, with 4 across clues (1 and 5-7) and 4 down clues (1-4).
(This also fits with the AREA clue, which tells us that there are half as many letters (160) on the outside of the long cube as there are letters in total (320), implying that each letter is checked.)
With that, we can construct 10 4x4 grids. Noticing that LONG and CUBE fall out naturally from some of them helps ID LONG and CUBE as the answers to the mystery clues, if we haven't jumped to that conclusion already. Two mystery clues indicate to shade every occurrence of the eight letters in LONG CUBE.
1C | 2T | 3R | 4L |
5O | H | I | O |
6L | O | N | G |
7A | R | K | S |
1C | 2U | 3B | 4E |
5A | R | E | S |
6R | A | I | N |
7B | O | N | E |
1C | 2U | 3B | 4E |
5E | T | A | T |
6C | A | R | A |
7A | S | K | S |
1F | 2O | 3U | 4R |
5L | U | N | E |
6E | R | I | N |
7E | S | S | E |
1L | 2A | 3D | 4S |
5O | R | R | A |
6N | E | O | N |
7G | A | P | S |
1L | 2O | 3N | 4G |
5A | W | O | L |
6M | E | R | E |
7B | R | I | E |
1L | 2U | 3N | 4G |
5O | R | A | L |
6N | I | D | E |
7G | M | A | N |
1O | 2V | 3A | 4L |
5T | A | R | A |
6I | T | A | S |
7C | U | B | E |
1P | 2S | 3S | 4T |
5U | T | A | H |
6C | U | B | E |
7E | D | A | M |
1T | 2A | 3C | 4O |
5A | H | O | Y |
6F | A | C | E |
7T | S | A | R |
The next step is to make the long cube from the 10 4x4 grids. The AREA and FACE clues imply that we don’t have to overlap our grids to make the long cube, so the long cube has dimensions 4x4x8 (in other words, 1x1x2 in units of full 4x4 grids), and we need to build its net by putting the grids adjacent to each other.
This understanding helps clarify what the second section's diagram refers to: the squares are our 4x4 grids, and something will pop out in the highlighted space if we put the squares next to each other in the right way. A little trial-and-error experimentation shows that it is possible to reproduce a given 4-letter sequence across two faces in one of the middle rows.
We can use this to guide our placement of the 10 grids so that each 4-letter sequence appears once across a middle row to "tape" a different pair of adjacent faces. Rotation is allowed since there won't be a concept of maintaining the same rotational orientation once the 3D long cube is folded up, but flipping the grids isn't since that would produce a perfectly valid grid with an alternate numbering that isn't the one given in the puzzle. This gives us the following net:

When fully assembled, the long cube looks like this:

The final section of diagrams tells us how to view the long cube from 6 angles using the diagrams' letters, which only appear in their relative positions on certain faces of the long cube. (The three diagrams with arrows indicate that the long cube should be rotated along one long end, from one short end being visible to the other short end being visible.)
When viewed from these angles, large letters are formed from the shaded letters on the long cube's surface. This is easier to do with a 3D model but is still possible to visualize in a spreadsheet.
Reading the letters in the given order of the 6 diagrams gives the answer, long reptile RATTLESNAKE.
Authors' Notes

The idea for this puzzle came from this CMU hunt puzzle, where we were given 10 grids in the same configuration as a net for the rectangular prism long cube used here. We noticed it was a proper net, so we cut it out and highlighted certain words. This was not the right thing to do. We stared and rotated the long cube for hours anyway. Eventually we started muttering "long cube" to ourselves. We hope this feeling was replicated in your solve of this puzzle.
Besides the diagramless aha and discovering the joys of LONG CUBE, there's not much of a gimmick to this puzzle since it mostly comes down to following instructions. There's also an unfortunate mechanic overlap with other grid fill and letter shading puzzles in this hunt. However, considering it was written in crunch time for a slot that was getting continually replaced, I'm okay with how it turned out.